September 14, 2021 | Guelph News

What is a net-zero home? | UPDATED 2021

What is a net-zero home & what are the benefits of purchasing one?

It’s a home that produces as much energy as it consumes. Therefore, the owners are left with a net-zero energy bill and the peace of mind that they are doing good for the environment. They manage this using advanced design, superior building, and energy-efficient products. Not only is the home more energy-efficient, but it is also more quiet, comfortable and sustainable. All of this without sacrificing the beautiful design and high-end finishes.

(Click here to check out a Net Zero Home For Sale In Guelph)

Benefits Of A Net-Zero Home

  • Saving money on energy costs all year round & protection from future energy price increases
  • Providing healthier, more comfortable living spaces with better indoor air quality, stable temperatures, and healthier building materials
  • Helping the environment by lowering greenhouse gas emissions, conserving resources & reducing pollution
    (Source: Reid’s Heritage Home)

How Does It Do It?

  1. Solar Panels – The roof has enough solar panels to power the home when it’s sunny out. As a backup, the home uses Ontario’s coal-free grid. With energy rates forecasted to increase, renewable solar is an important feature of these homes. Owners can also sign up for an energy rebate program. Basically, Ontario Hydro will buy back the energy you don’t use.
  2. Insulation in foundation walls & under-slab: A special foam insulation is installed against the inside foundation walls & under the basement floors. Meaning you never have to feel cold in your basement again! It also means less heat loss through the basement floor.
  3. Flex Ducts Inside Walls: This allows the ducts to be in the upper portion of the walls meaning there are fewer hot and cold spots in your home.
  4. Hybrid Heat Pump Water Heater: Incorporates air source heat pump technology. As a result, the owner can save up to $340/year while being eco-friendly.
  5. Comfort Zoning: This allows you to control the temperature of each floor of the home.

There are many other excellent features such as 45 % more insulation than other homes its size, triple-pane windows, high-efficiency appliances and LED lighting fixtures throughout.

How Much Does A Net-Zero Home Cost?

Creating a home that is built to a net-zero building standard cost about $15,000 more. Adding a solar panel system large enough to power the home is expected to cost an additional $20,000. Therefore, it will cost approximately $35,000 more for a net-zero home.

“Ontario households spent an average of $2,358 on electricity and heating costs in 2014, according to a report in August from the Financial Accountability Office. In a net-zero ready home that uses two-thirds less energy, the savings would amount to $1,668 annually

These savings are important because they significantly offset the upfront additional expense of purchasing a net-zero ready home — which, based on a 20-year mortgage and a five % fixed interest rate, would cost homeowners an additional $99 a month. Which is to say, once the energy savings are factored in, a net-zero ready home will save its owners $40 a month.” (Source: TVO)

There are 26 net-zero homes in Canada, five of which are located in Guelph. So how do you get one of these nets zero homes? You’re in luck…one just went up for sale! Click here to check it out.


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